Monday, February 4, 2013

The Bible and Homosexuality

 It is common for those who consider homosexuality an 'abomination' to ‘prove’ their cause by quoting every scripture they can find pertaining to sexual sin and promiscuity. It is important to understand that we Christians in the gay community also are a hundred percent against sexual sin. The difference lies in the fact that we do not believe God has singled out any particular community or nation of people as ‘evil’ or ‘sinful’, believing instead that God’s edicts are applied without prejudice to all peoples and communities; homosexual and heterosexual alike. Therefore before calling homosexuality a sin, one should interrogate Scripture to find if this premise is even true. Unfortunately, many well meaning Christians are just repeating what they have heard from the pulpit or attempting to frame God’s will around their prejudices and fears. 

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Sunday, February 3, 2013

Are Gays really hated and discriminated against?

It may be true that many people are mostly unaware of how LGBT people are hated and discriminated against because these issues do not often rise to the top of the news cycle. When they do, many probably feel they are isolated attacks and thus not representative of a more pervasive malaise.

If you have ever found yourself thinking that too much ado is being made about the "suppossed" inequality of LGBT folks, read on and be educated. Then join the struggle for complete equality by joining or contacting the Human Rights Campaign.

The following article appears in Out into the Wilds by David Stalling. Click on the link to read the entire article. Here is a small part of his response to the question,  "Are Gays really hated and discriminated against?"

All in all, more than 1,400 basic rights are denied to gay people in the United States on a federal level, and even more in various states, including not being allowed to marry (and denied all the other rights and privileges that go with marriage); not being allowed to adopt; not being allowed immigration or residency rights; not granted the same protections under the law for employment and employer rights; no protection against blatant, open discrimination by national organizations such as the Boy Scouts of America. The current policy platform of the Republican Party, as adopted last year at their convention, clearly and strongly opposes gay marriage and calls for the denial of other rights, freedom and equality to gay Americans. Just recently, members of the Republican Party in the Congress voted to spend $3 million of taxpayer’s money to defend the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), which is an unconstitutional act that denies many Americans like me the same rights, freedom and equality that other Americans

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Saturday, February 2, 2013

At What Point Do You Become A Second Class Citizen?

This TED talk raises many good questions around the topic of equality for all people regardless of the "box" they check off for gender.

IO Tillett makes the point graphically when she stands in a giant circle. To one side she steps and states that 15% consider themselves 100% gay. To the other side she steps and says 35% consider themselves 100% heterosexual. Then she looks into the vast middle and asks' "At what point do you lose your rights in America?" That would be the pertinent question for the remaining 50% in the middle of the circle!