Sunday, June 8, 2014

Hommage To The Oaks


Lately I saw you standing, 
brilliant, naked sun everywhere 
streaming incandescent photons like
Threads of silver 
On your knotted body.

Majestic, silent, patient forest alchemist, 
On every visible and invisible frontier
You bestow your patient blessing 
and manifest the very ebb and flow 
of a breathing God. 

O! How the entire universe (my heart) 
contracts now that you have 
fallen into the openness 
With one last thunderous echo! 

What final blessing did you bestow, 
trembling exquisitely on those last tiny fibers, 
awaiting the supreme moment: 
the ancient Pull of supernovas? 

What can I do now? 
Bow in gratitude! 

That which passes through everything 
Passes through me (Kerouac). 
I bow in a suspended moment of that recognition.

Your thunderous echo 
bestows upon me 
a final blessing, spreading outward 
in the delicate arc of your falling grace.

A myriad of spring buds 
singing one last alleluia 
before the crushing weight 
of congealed sunlight forces them 
down into the yielding 
earth, where galaxies of beings 
embrace your return. 

In your final act of falling, 
I too dive headlong and blind 
Into the fierce eye of God 

WPS May 2014

1 comment:

  1. The majesty of surrender to the cycles of arising and passing away....
    Glorious and beautiful this impermanence.
    Hari Om(Hurry Home)
