Sunday, August 25, 2013

Connecting to the Whole; The Wisdom of the Heart

We have all experienced the feeling of being more unified with our surroundings and with other people. Some people call this being in the zone or being in the flow. It doesn't seem to have anything to do with "thinking" but rather more centered in the heart region. We feel an expansiveness and a connection that allows us to access or creative potential and to feel more deeply. We naturally feel more empathy for people and it is easier for us to communicate with deeper compassion and understanding. We are not so centered in our own perspective but see more clearly the bigger picture. In fact we feel very much a part of the bigger picture and not apart from it and this makes us naturally more cooperative and less competitive. How can we be in this place more often? Is this the direction we should be moving toward as a way to save the planet? Watch the video (7 minutes) to learn more about how to access the heart's intuitive intelligence.

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